Sunday, September 24, 2006

31 things a mobile phone can do

Cellphone Swiss Army knife / téléphone couteau suisse

The 31 things a mobile phone is :
1 a telephone
2 a camera
3 a mp3 player
4 a watch
5 an usb key
6 a video player
7 a portable gaming console
8 a PDA (contact, agenda, todo ,etc)
9 a modem
10 a mail/news/rss client
11 a chat client
12 an IM client
13 an internet browser
14 an rfid reader and tag
15 a credit card
16 a gps
17 a podometer
18 a heart rate monitor
19 a fidlelity card
20 a voting machine
21 a golf club
22 a barcode scanner
23 a image scanner
24 a biometric sensor
25 a voice recorder
26 an answering machine
27 a digital photo frame
28 a (flash/micro sd/etc) card reader
29 a key holder
30 a powerpoint presentation tool
31 an ebook reader

more idea ?

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